Monday, June 16, 2008

Just Us Weekly Post

Created by Shawna

This week we decided to go to the park first. It was much more enjoyable. Little Mario wanted to go to Memory Park this time and even though there isn't as much play equipment as the Community Center, the boys had a great deal of fun running and rolling in the grass. Plus, at 10:30 we were only a skip away from the Library. Today Miss Darlene read books about bugs and the boys got to make a bug mobile. They also got to check out their first books, about bugs of course. Then we went and ate at T.E.S.

3 Thoughts:

Erin said...

They are so darn cute! I can't believe how big they are getting! By the way, what the heck is T.E.S??? Love ya!

dirttastesbad said...

Holy Crap!!!! I can't even stand how cute they are!!! David said that he likes that you keep Diego's hair long, I like it as well. Mario looks so much like Buddy when he was little. Cute kids cute kids

Savy said...

Your kiddos are SO cute! I can't believe how long it has been since I have seen you! How do you like being a mom? We just had a kid 8 weeks ago...crazy! Well I hope that everything is great!