Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Tadpole Fishing!!

Created by Shawna

For the past couple evenings we've been going on walks with the boys.....well, actually running after the boys down the street while they ride their bikes, and we came across a puddle two houses down FULL of tadpoles!!! So, naturally we let them dive in and grab some. I really don't want to think about how many Diego smashed.
His feet just blend in with the mud.
You could see the tadpoles really well before the boys mixed up all the water.
Diego had a wedgie.
Almost got one!!!!

Walking home after. (I really like this picture for some reason. The coloring maybe)
They're not really used to walking barefoot on the rocks.
And of course getting cleaned up before we went inside for a bath.

2 Thoughts:

Anonymous said...

The first couple pix look like tadpole stomping?!?!?

TCallihan said...

mud is the best! looks like fun